Dr. Meenu Batra, MBBS, DMRD
- Qualifications and Training
- MBBS : Padmashree Dr D Y Patil Medical College, Pune.
- DMRD : Sri Ramachandra Medical College, Chennai.
- Fellowship Training in Obstetric Ultrasound & Basics of Fetal Medicine from Fetal Care & Research Foundation, Mediscan , Chennai.
- 3D /4D ultrasound from Mediscan , Chennai.
- Certified by Fetal Medicine Foundation (UK) for Nuchal Translucency Scans ( FMF Certified )
- Qualifications and Training
The Ashok Mukherjee Oration Award 2018 – awarded on the occasion of 17th conference of Asia Oceanic Congress of Radiologist and 71st National Conference of IRIA. Paper on the beneficial effects of intra uterine fetal blood transfusion for fetal anemia and innovative methods to improve outcomes in patients especially in fetal hydrops.
- Professional Membership
- Indian Radiology & Imaging Association
- Indian Society of Prenatal Diagnosis & Therapy
- International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Indian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
- Society of Fetal Medicine
- Organizing secretary of PERICON 2008,2011,2013,ISAR 2010
- Regional Coordinator CUSP 2010,2012 ,2014
- Organizing Secretary – 1st National Conference of Society of Fetal Medicine at Crowne Plaza, Kochi,2015
- Member of the Scientific Committee of National Conference of Radiology – IRIA 2015 held at Le Meridian , Kochi
- Executive committee member of Cochin Radiology Club
- Specialisation
- Obstetric Ultrasound, Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy, Genetics.
- Targeted USG, Fetal Echocardiography, Amniocentesis, Chorionic Villus Sampling, Fetal Blood Sampling, Intrauterine Fetal Blood Transfusion, Fetal Reduction and Therapeutic procedures like Shunt placement , Thoracocentesis.
- Invited Speaker
- Presented paper at the World Congress of International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology (ISUOG), 2013 Sydney, Australia.
- PERICON 2008, 2011, 2013 Kochi.
- IRIA 2010, Ahmadabad.
- ISAR 2010, Kochi.
- KFOG 2010, Thrissur.
- CUSP 2010, 2012, 2014 Chennai.
- YUVA FOGSI 2010, Kochi
- TOGSICON 2011 , Thrissur.
- AKCOG ,2014 , Allappuzha.
- SFM Conference- 2013 (Hyderabad),2014(Kochi)
- Fetal heart AIIMS ,2015, Kochi.
- IRIA2015 ,Kerala
- AICOG2015, Chennai.
- PG Training Program RARE 2014, 2015,Chennai
- ISUOG International Symposium 2015 ,Gurgaon
- Invited faculty at local radiology and obstetric society meetings in Kerala & South India.
- Ultrasound Trainer at CIMAR
- FOGSI Recognised Advanced Obstertric Ultrasound Trainig Centre.
- FOGSI Recognised Advanced Infertility Training Centre.
- Fellowship In Fetometonal Medicine.
- Fellowship In Reproductive Medicne.
- Ultrasound Trainer For National Rural Health Mission (NRHM)
- Publications
The Detection Rate of Cardiac Anomalies at 11 – 13+6 Weeks Scan using Four Chamber – Batra, K.K. Gopinathan, B. Balakrishnan, P. Gopinath, R. Kuriakose and J. Gupta, Journal of Fetal Medicine, June 2014