Myomectomy is the surgery to remove the fibroids which are noncancerous growths in the uterus.  When this is done through key hole surgery, it is called laparoscopic myomectomy

Advantages of doing a laparoscopic myomectomy

  • Pain will be lesser and hence lesser amount of pain relieving medicines need to be taken.
  • Patient can get out of bed and move around earlier than an open surgery.
  • Only 3-4, 1 cm long scars will be there on the tummy.
  • Rest period after surgery is considerably short.

Cervical Cancer Risk Factors

The risk factors for cervical cancer include viral infection with Human papillomavirus (HPV), smoking etc.

Cervical cancer may not produce any symptoms in the very early stages. Unusual vaginal bleeding including bleeding after sexual intercourse, unusual vaginal discharge, pain in the pelvis can be the symptoms of cervical cancer.

Thankfully it is one of the cancer which progresses from an abnormal variation in the cell type to cancer over years. So if we can pick it up in the early stage where there is only an abnormal variation of cells (known as premalignant changes) we can treat the disease even before it becomes cancer.

Cervical Cancer Screening Programme

In the cervical cancer screening programme, all female starting from 3 years after marriage should undergo a pap smear test which aims to pick up the abnormal cells. At CIMAR we offer the most modern technology in pap test – the liquid based cytology along with a test for Human Human papillomavirus (HPV).  This helps to triage those who require intense follow up from those who require screening every 5 years if the results of both tests are negative.

Pap smear test in screening cervical cancer

The pap smear test is a simple and painless test done in the Out Patient department and the results are obtained in a week’s time.  If it shows any suspicious or abnormal result, then we would like to confirm the result with a second test – the cervical biopsy.

Cervical biopsy for cervical cancer screening

Cervical biopsy is a minor procedure, where a small chip of the cervical tissue is taken from a suspicious area selected under magnification using an instrument called the colposcope.

If the results comes out as premalignant changes, then depending on the type of change the treatments we can give range from ablative procedure to uterus removal.

If the result turns out be a cancer we will entrust your care with an oncologist.