Anterior prolapse refers to the prolapse of the organs anterior to that is in front of uterus.  This is mainly the urinary bladder and urethra- which is the connection between the bladder and the outside.


Prolapse means an organ has moved from its original position to a lower position due to loss of its supports.  Prolapse uterus means uterus has moved down from its original position inside the pelvic bone to somewhere lower and sometimes too low that it can be seen protruding through the vagina.

Risk factors for anterior prolapse

  • Repeated pregnancies and deliveries especially if you have delivered babies who are heavier, difficult deliveries, deliveries using forceps or vacuum,  when the gap between pregnancies are lesser.
  • Routine work involves lifting heavy weights.
  • You have cough or constipation for a long time.
  • Family history of disorders affecting the tissue support systems.

Symptoms of anterior prolapse

If you have anterior prolapse your symptoms range from nil to increased frequency of urination, difficulty in controlling urine when you laugh or cough, or when it becomes urgent to pass urine, repeated urinary infections as you are not able to completely empty the bladder.


Remedial measures for anterior prolapse

If it is only a minor degree of prolapse then you just require pelvic exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles.  If it is of a major degree or is causing symptoms you may require a surgical correction to put the bladder back into its normal position.  This is called a cystocele repair.  If there is an associated uterine prolapse, you may require a vaginal hysterectomy and repair of the pelvic floor to put back the prolapsed organs to their original position.  If it is only the bladder which has come down you can undergo laparoscopic procedures to fix the problem.

For more details call us: 0484 4134413
