Fertility ultrasound assessment – Transvaginal sonography is one of the indispensable investigation as far as infertility patient is concerned. It is non-invasive and the single test that parallels to clinical assessment.
Application of ultrasound in fertility diagnosis
Work up of infertility
- Assessing the antral follicle count/ovarian reserve cycle monitoring or prediction of ovulation.
- Ovarian pathologies (PCOS, cysts, tumors).
- Adnexal pathologies (hydrosalpinx).
- Abnormalities of uterus (congenital/acquired).
- Endometrial pathologies (intrauterine adhesions, polyps, submucous fibroids.
- Assessment of tubal patency (sonosalpingography).
Assisted Reproductive Technology/Technique (ART)
- Monitoring ovarian response.
- Oocyte retrieval, embryo transfer.
- Scrotal ultrasound and Doppler.
- Varicocele, epididymal abnormalities, undescended testis.
- Obstructive azoospermia.
- Penile
- Evaluate physical causes of erectile dysfunction.
Early Pregnancy Scanning
- Do detach location of pregnancy
- of fetus/sac.
- Viability of fetus.
- Calculate the gestation of pregnancy.